What are some female self improvement gurus?
Did anyone get results after more than 2 months?
If you are slim/ at healthy weight and have big boobs,why are you complaining?
How do you deal with busty people you know irl?
Why is height the one thing you are not allowed to mention or be insecure about?
How do men feel about a woman with no experience?
What did i do to get a heavy pornographic instagram algorithm?
What do young girls now days even play?
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Free Oracle Readings 🥰
Subliminal to heal someone you know
Do I even like men or do I just want to be liked by men?
Is my girlfriend into me?
I cant do it anymore
May this type of love find me
How would you rate Wonyoung? Is she a perfect 10?
Best foods to aid weight gain to breasts?
Why does my ex keep blocking me even if I'm not bothering him?
Few things that made me sad
How to start with limited access to supplements?
Do women on their periods know when they’re about to bleed?
Sanity Sunday - come here to vent/rant and get advice!
My(22F) bf (25M) lied and watched porn behind my back against our “agreement”
Is it possible to meet a guy who doesn’t watch porn/shares my opinion on the matter at my age (17)?