When I go to the gym my immune system gets weaker
LF: 2019 or earlier Legendaries - Offering: Gmax Pokemon
lf offering giveaway for rural players ONLY!! read description!!!!!! i can fly!
GIVEAWAY!! Looking for unlucky players! Offering GMAX starters!
Offering Incheon Skiddo giveaway, LF someone to guess my LEAST favorite pokemon!!!
Where can I learn how to build good presets on the Quad Cortex?
Group chat to meet people (20's) in Valencia?
Armored Mewtwo Giveaway. Looking for Giveaway Winner. Offering Armored Mewtwo. Guess which country this Armored Mewtwo was caught. First person guess it right win. End on GMT+0,09:00AM Nov29.
He slapped the heII out of him lmao
After all these years, did any of you get any type of permanent damage from getting covid? If so, what is it?
Hola, queria saber vuestras opiniones sobre el DLC del eldenring. gracias
I have a question regarding a quad cortex capture
Horror story youtubers [animated or not animated]
Men of reddit, how do you not get labeled as a creepy stalker ?
These gummy bears i found on instagram
Can atheists use terms like "come out" and "closeted"?
When the ambulance finaly arrives at the scene of the accident
Just an innocent bike ride.
Cursed_side effect
What horror movie is loved/praised, but you didn't like?
The Visit (2015)
Horse Diving was a sport in 1920s
Pregunta : ¿Españoles según ustedes que tal es la vida en su nación? Vale la pena conocerla a fondo?
Finally. I can rest.