Commander damage punish
Commander damage punishment
Never played Gen 2 and bought Heart Gold any tips?
Does anyone have Chikorita?
"Pâtissier" in training/dessert recommendations
Newbie with an odd request
The subject of the movie is that a girl went to high school and killed a girl with a scream costume at school. The girl and a few people were traveling in time and I think they were trying to find the killer
Newbie pls help
I cant find out how to but this hoodie
What are you currently obsessing over that’s taking up all of your time?
Today is my birthday, no one remembered me, and I got fired
We removed the 2 and 12 and the game has been more enjoyable.
What is a 10/10 game in your opinion?
What is your favourite Quadeca song?
I want to be Attractive not cute
what do I do to be Attractive not cute to her
I just got scammed out of my krunkette 1
I got scammed out of my krunkette 1
My first Reddit post i took this out side of were I work
All it takes is a bucket of lava