Do you feel trapped in this industry?
Living RIGHT NEXT TO the train line
JC man walking pig in a red wagon
Rich people - what do your budgets look like?
*New* SOMA Local Discord - Local news/recommendations on Discord
Should I believe bootcamps like Codesmith who still claim grads land mid or senior SWE roles in today’s market
Six-Figure Salaries—What Do You Actually *Do* With All That Cash? Curious 43k Earner Here!
Tomato & Egg Rice. My 8mo loved this.
My spouse has been getting CBP calls about me, an asian american
Should i get into architecture if i want money??
Has anyone here made a career pivot in their 30s or 40s?
AI chatbots being used in job auditions
Those of you from North Jersey: What’s your go-to bagel spot and why?
How do you get your house cleaned while WFH?
Update on plan for movie theater
Those stories about programmers who didn't graduate with a CS degree but went on to get good salaries and higher lead positions a couple years later, are those the norm or the exception?
Goldbergs in Millburn, massive dip in quality or is it just me?
You had one job, Koala based shape identification game
PSA: Don’t Hit Your Leg On This… You Will End Up Yelling & Cussing At It In A Parking Lot. I Know This From Experience 😂
People who Majored in Architecture but didn’t become designers, why didn’t you, or did you realize that you weren’t meant to design?
This might be dumb but do y’all see origami as cultural appropriation?
People who have both worked as a software engineer and civil engineer, which one is less stressful and/or is a more fulfilling career?
Reminder: As much as it sucks, A m a z o n is hiring like crazy right now and the hiring bar has dropped significantly.
People who switched careers from architecture - what is your story?