How long did it take you to heal after birth?
When did you give gas drops or gripe water to your baby?
When did you start taking your newborn out for walks?
How do you shut up that internal voice that tells you that you could've had a miscarriage without knowing?
LPN changing her own records from a office she doesn't work
Baby proofing help!
What are some things no one told you about pregnancy and newborns?
Which One?
When did you actually give birth?
Sick child with a new baby
Can I pull off calico?
How are you getting your baby to sleep?
Mommits, what’s our go-to TV series to watch after the kids go to sleep these days?
Feeding in Public
Daycare - to start or not to start?
Which Riley spelling do you prefer?
Daily reminder to vote for BBNO$ on TikTok for the Juno Awards!!!
Just had this septum done a couple hours ago. Does the placement look OK?
What is your baby's tummy time record?
“Wait until…”
Rural moms - How important would you say it is to be close to a children’s hospital or ER?
What are we using to get blow out stains out of clothes?
When did you baby starting getting fussy because they wanted their diaper changed?
Parents of good teethers do not understand