Cerberus cheese
Men, my Skills maybe are incredibles? :V
Fun fact: the pillars glow different colors depending on what you put on them(power crystals and florp don't work though 😔)
“HoW cAn YoU mAkE iT bIgGeR tHaN uLtImAtE?” Shut your stupid mouth
So Jaket is dead
Why do people hate alt marksman?
Is there any random inside jokes you make when using a move
Which ultrakill song are You playing?
how tf is that double kill if i killed only minos
Is this fight actually possible on brutal?
The power of fear
Day 32. It is the end. Golden Crook Boss VS Engineer. Vote
beating the absolute SHIT out of minos
In the new death screen, How does V1 do a full-body scan of itself when it has little to no blood left to power itself?
Do you prefer V1 with or without a pupil?
which one is it? 🤔
Winter soldier mains,will look you dead in your face and argue he not overpowered.
Punching problem
It’s a bird? It’s a plane? IT’S A GODDAMN ROCK—!!
Younger brother deleted save file because he thought it was funny.
Why did they call it nameless blade and not
For no reason at all here's the Chapter 2 overworld sprite but without eyebrows, or an off-center mouth, and also with slightly different glasses because it looked odd with the normal ones
Could deku beat Benjamin?
Out of curiosity, how do you actually pronounce his name?