Most nostalgic band? Here’s mine
Did this traumatize you as a kid or was it just me?
Soulless Sam
Forever 21 Shutting Down
Do you think Facebook was the worst mistake that Millennials had ever created?
Millennial Dads are so much more involved than previous generations of dads. Props to them.
Anyone feeling kind of powerless?
“…in bed.”
I would watch this.
What was the first major news story you remember as a kid?
Who we picking?
What is your morning routine to prevent makeup pilling?
Millennial trends you still do..
Who needs a skin barrier anyway
who actually liked this flavor back in the day
Millennials: Does modern fast food architecture appeal to you more than their original counterparts?
Fellow married Millennials- do you and your spouse have combined finances? If not, why?
Elder millennials, what were the 4 VHS tapes you owned and watched on repeat?
Thank you, Millennials
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid!
We really have been hit hard in comparison to other generations
Who is your favourite Original?
Why did we do this
My wife and I did some minor decorations for our powder room and we like the wallpaper but my mother in law says it's too busy. Any suggestions?
Shauna stans