Which of these villains do you enjoy the most
#3 most nuked place in the UK
UK r/NCD users Russian Nuke Request Map
Any left wing rallies happening outside of this organized yet? Would love to join if possible
Drop a Kendrick song in the comments and I’ll rate it 1-10
They treating him like voldemort 😭😭
Y'all remember the lady that cried when Mr morale won that Grammys.
Trying to strike a chord… 🤔
Today is my birthday
What song got you into ATEEZ and what's your current favorite?💙💙💙
Tyler unfollows Ye on twitter
Tyler speaks on white people wearing Chromakopia masks
my friends trying to kick me off of going to the concert to take her boyfriend she’s known for three months 💀
loot from 1000x medium clues ( after the new update)
How many friends do yall have?
It's too late jagex I've already started considering leaving my room
With everything going on, this might be silly, but i got my quest cape!
Everyone should see this for themselves: price options Jagex wants you to consider
PSA: You need 1 portal scroll per portal you want to change - and it has to be marble portals.
PSA: New scam rampant
Rate the jad setup
If you could add the echo bosses and your favourite echo items into the main game, but 'balanced' and perhaps renamed/recontextualized, how would you go about doing it?
My character 3 days into leagues vs. my 15 year old main