How do you drink your coffee ?
You win £5million, what’s the first thing you are doing?
What words will make any girl melt?
Couple who my husband and I F30 and M35 are friends with gave us a sex toy as a gift. Is this normal or is there a subliminal message here?
How old are you?
If you could get anything from your partner for Valentine’s Day what would it be?
What makes you lose all attraction towards someone?
What is the sexiest thing your lover has done to seduce you?
What’s something that’s 100% legal but makes you look like a complete psychopath if you do it in public?
Which song in your opinion is absolutely perfect?
Is it okay for your woman to cheat as long as she screams your name in bed?
Your username is the reason you go to prison, what's your crime?
What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand?
Any tips on who I should prioritise?
Same pic, a year apart
What do you think causes some people to feel discomfort when they see words like “realise” or “organise” spelled with an “s” instead of a “z”?
Have you ever seduced a coworker?
An insult that would still genuinely hurt your feelings??
What's your favorite book of all time?
What does it feel like at the exact moment you know he has fallen in love with someone else?
What poor meal would you still eat if you were a billionaire?
If it was acceptable to be naked wherever you wanted. Would you? If not why not?
You’re in hell. What song is playing?
What was the last thing that made you really happy?
Which actress or actor do you like so much that you'd watch anything they're in?