Máxima maakt einde aan friet/patat-discussie: 'Het is friet'
My girlfriend going to socials without me.
25$ giveaway in 24hours to celebrate the launch of FarmTD, + competition!
What do you think of my capsule art for a metroidvania game?
50$ Giftcard Giveaway to celebrate my upcoming 2D platformer in Steam NextFest: "The Little Pixel That Could"
My Simple Platformer Game in 40 seconds~
They said to prioritize Gameplay over Graphics. I think I may have taken it a bit too literally...
Send "DEMO IS LIVE" email from Steam now or when next fest starts in a week?
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (1x up to $100) – To Celebrate the First Major Release of the Maseylia Demo!
Would you be open to doing a playtest of my game?
Reddit paid ads?
My indie game for 15 seconds
Experimenting with PSX Horror Aesthetics & Retro Cam in Unreal Engine – What Do You Think?
They said to prioritise Gameplay over Graphics. I may have taken it a bit too literally...
I "didn't" quit my job to pursue the dream of making this game. I made it in my spare time after a full-time job, a toddler, and a newborn. It's called MEATSHOT
I've finally added the ability to send air support where it's needed!
Maybe I took 'Gameplay over graphics' a bit too literally...
Some of the levels from my upcoming precision platformer Fatal Grounds.
A small platforming sequence of my game, does it look smooth?
A small platforming sequence of my game - does it look fun?
A small wall-jumping sequence in my game. does it look fun?
Made a trailer for my upcoming platformer 'The Little Pixel That Could', for Steam's next-fest in February
Created a trailer for the upcoming Steam Next Fest. What do you guys think? :)