Do I need to know Arabic to be a muslim
My parents don’t want to accept the person I love because he is a revert.
Are bed bugs a punishment from Allah?
What makes you get up to pray?
Anyone else not playing good coffee, great coffee?
why am i at day 1?
[Parcourspu] Deux questions
Cafe names
I (female) and my fiancé (male) does not want to convert to Islam anymore.
Is the name "Jin" haram?
why is it socially acceptable to hate a cat but not a dog?
Future flag of Somalia
Enseignement supérieur privé : les ondes de choc d’un livre-enquête
Pourquoi il y a des dessins sur le papier sopalin ?
Quelles sont vos "opinions impopulaires" sur la manière de vous occuper de vos chats ?
Comment font les sportifs professionnels pour suivre le ramadan ?
Couverture du Figaro Magazine du 21 Mars 2025.
When high roller Arab businessmen wear a thobe in the west, is it sort of a power play. Like them saying "I have so much power I can wear clothes from my culture instead of a suit because I do what I want"
Can I pray tahajjud?
So why do we still bury people with coffins instead a green burial? Wouldn't burying a body without a coffin be better for the environment and it's much cheaper?
Can I take shahada if I have gel nails?
Jussieu 3€30
Was it haram?
Pourquoi lorsque l'on parle des américains, c'est les USA ?
What are you guys doing about suhoor-related tummy issues?