"They literally, LITERALLY give you superpowers." - Jerma
My no mods Home Plate, everything was placed manually
First dump of a bunch of “memes” I made almost 10 years ago
What’s a movie you’ve watched more than 10 times and still love?
britney biopic dream cast
First look at Margot Robbie as Catherine Earnshaw on the set of Emerald Fennell’s Wuthering Heights adaptation
What ruins a burger ?
What do you guys think of Raider Klan?
Smosh read out my story this week, thank you to everyone who has been sending positive vibes my and Oliver's way!
Which celebrity gives you "I sold my soul to the devil" vibes?
Artists you discovered after they disbanded, stopped making music, or died?
Going to Trevor’s house for a prep talk about mission and i randomly ran into Michael heading same direction
God this story broke me 😭
On March 22, 2005, a woman named Anna Ayala supposedly found a human finger in her chili con carne at a Wendy’s in San Jose. Forensic analysis would later reveal that Ayala planted the finger herself so she could sue Wendy’s.
What's the first video game that you have ever played?
My husband, everyone
What was the very first game you played on a PC?
What are your memories of internet chat rooms?
🔥 Honey Badger vs. Porcupine, Botswana, Africa (photo by David Northall)
My 80yo mother who I've never seen do anything creative her whole life except cook, surprised me with this yesterday
What are your thoughts about random men saying that you look beautiful/pretty/cute out of the blue?
Money by the fuckin bag chronic by the fuckin bag bodies by the fuckin bag burn it all its all i have
Getting married, should my first dance be Wish You Were Here or The Trial?
My absolute favorites texts to get from my 17 year old niece