Brands and stores that aren’t necessarily gyaru but have gyaru vibes!
I love the gyaru style and everything but my mental healt is bad. What should i do? / style tips
Does anyone here have tattoos?
accurate gal info?
I was having a bad day but the seller put this in my depop package 🥲❤️
Infinity Nikki inspired!
What is an emotional moment from animation that everyone sobs at but you are unmoved?
It's crazy to me that these two have the same writer
Any suggestions for how to get off without pornography?
D&D; Drow & Drow…and drow, and drow, and drow.
Can you guys recommend me games that are nothing like Baldur's Gate 3? I fucking hate all of it
"Can I be gyaru if I’m bald, *insert religion* , can’t wear makeup because my parents don’t want me to, can’t open to wear my eyes to wear contacts or see how to put lashes, am allergic to all fabrics and can only wear hospital gowns."
She looks so good !!!
Karlach is fine, I guess.
What are your thoughts on Disney's live action remakes?
Sweetheart, why are you covered in blood?
Gyaru decor?
Styles for locked hair?
[PC][early to mid2000s] Veggietales game on American public library computers
could xilonen (genshin impact) be considered gal?
My most recent look!
hallo again every pony🌹🌹
Make concrit I feel like I wanna improve but idk🧐?
LoL Champions and them being on Grindr.
Made a charm for my favorite mod 💜