I know a Merlin Trial when I see one
My 5 year old completed Hogwarts legacy before me ❤️
Need new games for my 5 year old
Explain to me why gamers would choose a console over a PC
On this day 29 years ago, Pocket Monsters Red and Green were released – the first Pokémon video games.
Video game character design peaked in 2007
Most annoying game character?
Does it get more interesting?
I swear it’s impossible to get a bad screenshot in Hogwarts Legacy.
4 yo is breaking my heart. Is this normal?
PIP rejected - cannot cope
Super random but I always thought I had quite blue eyes and they look blue in photos but my brother took this and they look more grey 🤣 opinions?
My entirely beloved exhusband
Prince Charming 😳😳
Hopefully a week from today I won’t be wondering if I made a mistake 🙄🖕
Girlfriend blocks me after every argument
Matched with this dude on a dating app yesterday. We’ve never met.
season 6 Ines and bronson/sam
Tell me if I’m being crazy about a “Grandma Shower”
Watch All Seasons 1 to 9
What is the point
Update: Mom in law throwing herself a Grandma shower
I just want a medium rare steak and some alcohol
People are wild
I know women do this all the time and I should be grateful, but I’m devastated after looking at my company’s maternity policy. 12 weeks is not enough! 3 weeks of it not even paid! I hate the US!