What sort of political lean do you have?
Tesla Germany withholds pay for sick workers and tries to coerce them into signing termination agreements.
What Reddit Mainstream Investing and FIRE Subs don't want you to know about the infamous 4% "rule"
Do INTJ smoke? And why?
The nature of stock market crashes
They've Moved On To Target Date Funds...
You know you're an INTJ when...
Does this subreddit have people above 30 years old
Correcting the common misunderstandings and propaganda against dividend investing
Dividend Irrelevance Theory Right About Now
Thanks dividendgang!
Why I think the market will recover by May
VOO and Chill, but retirement delayed
How do you handle corporate job
with the recent bloodbath, what's cheap, what are you buying?
Wow guys, the Boogerhead just keep digging themselves deeper, now they claim "VTI/VOO and chill" are just meme and they didn't even hold it
The 7 pillars of high-yield dividend investing
Are woman interviewing me as a perspective partner?
Breaking: At least half of the VOO shills banned from this sub has deleted their accounts
Index Fund n00bs already wavering
I need an anime thays going to fuck my shit up.
To INTJ singles out there
"Recession" search term on Google spikes for USA users....
Just your average hostess bar bill in Tokyo
Employing Margin to Buy The Dip