old people not minding their own business….
Free for all in an abandoned Chuck E. Cheese, who wins? (Just the discipline, not specific fighters)
I'm a cis man and this movie is one of the most impactful movies I have ever seen and has changed my world view forever.
The number of liberals I’ve seen saying they want all Latinos who voted for trump deported is really disturbing me.
Freddie Steinmark- My All American😂
Queer haircuts in town?
They have one bad day and decide to make it everyone else’s problem
Sex Offender Registry
Can somebody explain to me why so many in the oil/pipeline industry support Trump over Harris?
Cardi B Slams Anonymous Caller Who Sent Child Protective Services to Her House, Threatens to Sue Them
I don't like Rey but it's funny as shit to see the disconnect in Youtube Comment Sections
After Fox Interview, Kamala Calls McDonald's To Ask If Her Old Job Still Available
Soard question.
Harris Complains She Was Not Informed The Interview Would Include Questions
What mental disorder do you think Azula developed at the end of the series?
Erika Ishii now getting harasses from the "anti WOKE" crowd because of her role in the new Ghost of Tsushima :/
Does anyone know where I can find any driver's ed services around W 12th Street?
Best dimension 20?
The clownshow needs to end
They're actually trump supporters but too embarrassed / cowardly to say so and claim they are undecided.
This Sentiment Seems Familiar
Do you agree with him?
not only does Sweet baby inc despise Akira Toryama but they also hate Quentin Tarantino
Should I dm strahds campaign?
Matt Walsh gets a history lesson from Ryan Grim (co-host of Counter Points)