Jace is a literal predator and no one’s talking about it???
Can I wear a dress with white flowers?
My husband has missed three of our four kids births. I want him to quit his damn job.
Is it wrong to Punish my daughter for not turning in her assignments in School?
Mental condition?
30F, Who do i look like?
[Male] weight loss is coming along. First pic is 1 year ago, second pic is the other day!
What I wore to my best friend of 14yrs wedding! What do y’all think?
People often give us strange looks in the street or talk negatively about our outfits. Do we dress weird/embarrassing?
I guess I’m just I need of a pick up, feeling a bit shit at the moment [female]
Needing a pick-me-up and I just love this romper 🥹 [female]
[female] how is everyone?
I think my (F/19) Boyfriend (M/20) is Cheating!?
My (20F) bf (26M) liked a hot girl's ig post and I'm insecure
I (32F) and my husband (35M) are fighting over the lack of color in our home
Advice Needed!! The perfect grill?
[M24] I want a bi wife
i'm not able to end my life
Why does my hair look weird? Is it the cut? What haircut should I have if so? I feel like it looks like one massive triangle and I hate it :/
F23 At a confusing point in my life- but I’m loving this dress. Wanted to share :)
It’s been raining all day today!! A nice and cozy afternoon :) 23f
night before/ morning after :):)
F22 I have been having a really rough time. I’m not receiving what I need in my current situation and really just need a boost. Here’s pics of my favorite dress :)
18f. Lately I really don’t like being me. My list of insecurities just keeps growing. I like to stay positive but I don’t know how to anymore.
Never liked my smile or my big teeth but now I love it❤ Happiness is rare and magical