I’ve convinced my girlfriend to watch me play RDR2 so she understands the story
thought y’all would have fun with this one…
Emotionally cheater wife is being suicidal!
It should be legally considered a crime against humanity for anyone under the age of 15 to access the internet outside of school
My new clothes came with a rather peculiar washing label
Telling someone that he is a lucky man just after seeing their beautiful wife/gf is incredibly crude and disgusting and sexually inappropriate
Looking for Irish Movie Recommendations for St. Patrick's Day
Whats the purpose of having spicy heat receptors on our buttholes?
About to watch Anora for the first time to see how good it is!
It’s okay to be cheap.
Best oscar winner/nominee for a first date?
Any other movies to add to this list?
any perfect fast paced show?
It’s going to be a headache in 2026 when I try to decide what my favourite film of the year is 😂
Films with the most insufferable main characters.
do yall have your own rating system?
London stays orange in a sea of blue
What’s a mistake you made in the kitchen that you’ll never make again?
Am I the only one who dosen’t think so?
If Letterboxd had a separate Four Favorites for TV shows, what would you have in yours?
Drop your four most recently watched films!
Five years ago I promised my niece I’d get her a car for her 16th …. That’s this year.
Strong movies by a first time director?