i survived.
How do I get the tone for lead guitar on i love you?
Top 3 Fontaine DC Songs
Weekly Song Discussion: Track #3 - "Here's The Thing"
What’s your favourite 3 track run from romance?
A €335,000 bike shelter
Who else is traveling for a show?
Any bdrmm fans here?
Why do people not seem to like Here's the Thing?
ROMANCE IS A PLACE- What’s your best to worst of the new album first listen??
Would you rather go to Barcelona or Paris? Help!!!
Song Rating - Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys? #17
Who are your top 5 artists this month on Spotify?
Song Rating - A Certain Romance #13
if arctic monkeys are in your top 3 favorite bands, who else are your favorites?
Curate the Arctic Monkeys Film Festival
Song Rating - From The Ritz To The Rubble #12
Song Rating - When The Sun Goes Down #11
Hot takes
Song Rating - Mardy Bum #9
Song Rating - Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured #8
Which is your least favourite Arctic Monkeys album?
Which song is guaranteed to make you smile, no matter what mood you are in?
Song Rating - Riot Van #7