Most affordable accredited institutions?
Dorm selection reopened, why so many singles available?
INTJ males, do you find it fulfilling to have a girlfriend?
How did you decide whether to write novels, short fiction, flash fiction, etc.?
What do you think is the most gender neutral name?
As an adult, how many daily meals are y'all actually eating?
What amount of books being checked out at once do you consider it to be excessive?
Olive skin in 100% British & Irish people?
What’s your way of disciplining yourself in order to get yourself to write more of your story?
What’s your go-to snack or drink while writing?
Feel myself lusting after girls all the time
What have you all majored in?
I was told yall here might enjoy these moon shelves I make. :)
We love you Kaeya
Kaeya 100K DMG (Pyro Regisvine)
I might have went overboard
combined ganyu and kazuha's bursts together and made a beautiful mess
Everything in this picture was thrifted
Is my grandma’s name too “out there” to use as an honor name?