Kitchen sink nightmare
XJ my dad built for me before he passed
“She’s got another year in her”
You can depressurize any aerosol can in your hand once a day
Celebrating with a new vinyl
Dirtiest coil I’ve ever encountered
top comment decides what I put in the can compactor
You’re have 5min left to live and can listen to one final piece of music. Which music do you choose?
Resident said pipes under sink were leaking
What video game has great voice acting?
claim you're here before 5 year archive trophy V2
What inspired your username?
Burn marks on countertop
For unit-by-unit inspections how do you hold all your unit keys?
What improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?
Doing another giveaway. This time its a 50usd steam wallet code
What is the best Grand Theft Auto clone?
Without telling your age, who was your teenage crush from the entertainment world?
What outdated slang do you still use?
Without saying the name, what’s your favorite video game?
Cursed Cow
What are your thoughts on parallel universes?
Your username is now multi-billion dollar company, what does it do?
TIL at a water plant in Poland, there is eight clams with sensors attached to their shells. If the clams detect toxic level of metals or pesticides, they will automatically close, triggering the sensors and shut off the city water supply.