Qualcuno mi può consigliare qualche film?
Locally Owned Businesses
Best places to go in Milwaukee to meet welcoming people and new friends?
Ma a voi davvero interessa il lavoro che fate?
The Republican Party
Laid off, go for PhD or go back home?
Plzz can anyone help me out
Work from home meetups
Seeking advice on the feasibility of a fluid simulation project in C++
Fatto esilarante sul settore difesa in Italia
what zombie audiobooks do you recommend ?
Local Financial Advisor
Americano comes to Italy (?)
LCSW Wisconsin Status and Law exam trik question
The real local situation
Neapolitan-ish Margherita
AITA For Telling My Wife If She Converts To Islam I’m Divorcing Her?
What job would you choose?
Best available training course and possible certification
Best Tacos/Mexican Food On The Southside? 🌶️🥵
Horror ghost movies ?
In Search of a Rental Housing
Non-American people, what’s a thing that you don’t understand about America?
AITA for allowing my mother to stay despite my husbands disapproval
How to half a recipe