Just woke up to this. THANK YOU!
All announced features in 0.3
The gunplay is clunky and sounds underwhelming.
Gray Zone Warfare Reveals Large Shift To PvP With Dynamic War
GZW Roadmap Reshaped
Hopes for today?
Is this the “special announcement”?
$600 for the 60th anniversary box set…
very annoying subtle stuttering
Any chance we get first person animations rework in the future?
The game doesn`t respect its players time. I love milsim but virtually limitating mobility doesn`t make this game more immersive.
How about the NPCs being able to communicate/interact with you thanks to advanced AI?
We've fixed the AI wall hacks! Thanks for reporting!
TB UNLRA HQ - AI below the map
What exactly does a wipe get rid of?
Is it worth it?
What’s the point (Medical Items)
[PVP ISSUE] People have begun abusing the disconnect protection during firefights. Leaving and disappearing when overwhelmed and attempt coming back after a while.
Who the fuck is Oz and what is his machine?
Arm Fatigue, needs work.
What is the point of fridges?
Ability to interact with food/drink without picking them up
I'm seeing one shot out, of nowhere kills again
Weird Audio this afternoon
Why the game is so empty?