MTF - 37 yo, 9 Month in TH, no surgeries
genuinely scared to post this but i’m trying to see myself for the woman I am. Here’s me… without makeup or product. Just me
Is your dysphoria constant or does it come in cycles?
You don't have to come out to start HRT.
I don't know what else to do to pass, still waiting for laser. My agoraphobia is getting so bad
Posting on here cause why not lol
who do i look like??
Staff reunion with quite a few people I haven’t seen since pre transition. What’s the outfit choice here?
Besides the jaw how well do I pass
How do I get started with makeup?
I feel stuck, unsure where to go from here
What’s the best part about being trans?
What's this anime?
Can a Cis male detransition and produce semen?
When are the One Pros getting shipped?
What makes you trans?
Why does my CV keeps getting rejected?
Which anime is the best out of these 4?
why isn't feeling like a woman enough?
Best donuts in Seattle
Am I truly as stealth as I feel I am?
To my wide shoulder sisters~
fellow artistic makeup girlies?
Help me pick an outfit for a museum visit tomorrow
How long did it take for you to feel like your hips were feminine?