I’m sorry but what? You could see the hurt in Taylor’s eyes
Finding an apartment for me and my guy is one of the most depressing things I've ever done
Not A Day Goes By That I Don’t Miss You Lexiepedia
The saga continues…saw this on TikTok
I can hear this scene 😂 Do you have any scenes like this?
Best and Worst Character (Totally unscientific poll)
My baby is 16!!
About to put floors into our new house, we had to do it.
Amber is on live…
Greys Anatomy Patients
Happy Birthday Watson & Walker! 🩷🩵
Does anyone else have their stuff separated like this 😂
What do you think was the most stupid or random couple on Grey’s?
Jenelle wants to try as many restaurants as she can “while she’s in Vegas”.
Father / son Titanic build complete! 17 hours over 4 days.
My son is finally old enough to start building these together :)
This is never not relatable
Extra cozy
Catelynn continues from my last post…
I've never really been able to see Aubree in Chelsea (I also kind of feel like I've never really seen the real Chelsea lol) but I was rewatching 16&P and alllll I could see in this scene was Aubree
Ambers ex on tinder
Love that Leah calls Gary by his government name
Gary sucks
Khloe and Kris via Malika’s instagram
My daughter’s little reading corner