Songs similar to this?
Madison Square Garden 2011?
Megz of Ram
According to this article, The Voidz are releasing an EP this spring...
What is the general consensus on Shrek 3?
New Voidz Single!?!?
Tell us a story, I know you’re not boring
Does anyone have the tape of the first "Is This It" songs they made?
Trying to find a I've recording
Jules looks like the female version of Nena
What’s the story behind Francis Trouble?
What does “experimental” music mean to Voidz fans?
The Strokes mentioned in a movie
Julian Portrait
What does this sub think of The Cure?
Is it just me or have The Symposium exploded in popularity?
Similar Melodies?
Guys, what do you actually think of the new album?
Julian Casablancas and the Voidz
You Only Happy Once // Always thought these two sounded good together, kinda made it happen this morning.
Apart from the strokes, Who are your other favorite 2000s indie rock bands?
Strokes poster worth
I found this pretty interesting