We still wait
Love this Song but still can't Play this beast
I Love Home but this Part ...
So simple Riff but so effective
Do you have a Song that you don't Like at all?
Am I the only one?
guys this is getting out of hand
Majesty Demos in the Mid Part be like
My Opinion
Dominici Band
Ich kann diese beiden Plattenpacks nicht auf discogs finden was mache ich falsch?
Monolith - Oligarchs (feat. Mike Mangini)
Which thumbnail is the best? (Releasing a video about the band soon!)
LNF Archives
What is your least favorite/worst DT song?
Uploading a meme almost every day until the new live album is announced [Day 4]
What are your top 5 favorite songs by DT
5 minutes "work"
What is the Strange circle ?
Lecker essen gehen 🍴
Hugh Syme art is a scam
New Video
Ai Art Hugh
This album is really great!
Parasomnia - Earbook / Artbook edition