Love when “celebrities” discover lounge rules
Confused by these SAN - ATL Flights
Dreamliner flying domestic? Anyone know why it would be used for a 2 hour flight?
Will Air France reimburse for delayed baggage purchases?
Delta email 12 hours before flight about no WiFi (on 14+ hour flight w 6yo) any chance it will end up working?
So close, yet so far.
Bluetooth Headphones
Delta 767-300 (N172DZ) at HNL
Team USA Trading card
Aruba (AUA) also is this a -200 or a -300
Not delta specific but question regarding global entry
Fly this route all the time; never ever seen an offer so low, grabbed it before I can blink 😅
Delta one upgrade price - already in premium select. Worth the price?
CDG advice