Vsauce Discussing the Fictional Character Eratosthenes: "The Math Would Work Out The SAME"
Showing "counterfactual" Information .. aka Propaganda
How can we trust that our chronology is 100% accurate and that it has been precisely 2,025 years since the birth of Christ when we have dating discrepancies for the same events that are as large as 276 years?
Utah To Become First State To Ban Fluoride In Drinking Water
Buck - Of all the fake sh*t…… This takes the cake. Don’t be gullible.
There Are No Forests On Earth | Ancient Trees | Flat Earth
Sydney Skyline seen from 98km away (61 miles).
Biological computer run by human braincells (uses BLOOD to grow the braincells)
GLOBEBUSTERS LIVE | S13E11 | Electrostatics & Gravity | 3/16/25
Any day now . .
Grok says Elon could send a GoPro to the moon and livestream the whole trip there and a day on the moon for $15-50 million. He's worth half a trillion. Why hasn't he done that? He could make it an exclusive X livestream and make bank
[BAD VIBES] Subsonic Weapon used on the crowd in Belgrade today, making them react like some kind of magic attacked them
SCAMTARCTICA: The Antarctic Circle Jerk | Spacebusters
Time lapse of the lunar eclipse last night.
Man of Stone Presents Quick Couple O' Thoughts About Sunsets on #Clubhouse with #FlatEarthGang
Observation Compilation 5.0 - TheBuzzdev, Saltlake Stacey, Rayleigh Criterion FE, Wide Awake, +more | Sky Free
We know more about the universe than we do our own oceans
#CelestialTheodolite Recap and Overview on @EarthAwakenings
Bots caught promoting Heliocentric propaganda
A simple example of dead internet theory in this sub
why no live feed of the "stranded astronauts"? Because they arent in space!!
"Extra terrestrial" or out of our known lands. This is a Flat earth theory that challenges the heliocentric model theory and the concept of space.
The Athena lander is dead on the Moon After less than 24 Hours
SCAMARCTICA. TFE The Final Expose. Antarctica and the 24 Hour Sun Completely Destroy the Globe Model. Sunrise, sunset, and solar noon times from time and date are impossible on a globe. The Law of Luminaries 24 hour sun FE model.The globe and it's sun predictions in Antarctica do not work in reality
GLOEBUSTERS LIVE | S13E10 | Inertial Forces and Where to Find Them | 3/9/25
FakeX explodes proving space travel is real! Flat Earth
Sunrises, Sunsets, and Shadows - More Flat Earth Evidence | Taboo Conspiracy