Is lye worth the trouble?
Font from "The Hymnal" in "Rushmore"
Turning off “All, Shows, Categories” in inbox and queue
Bagel/burlap board technique?
Can you recommend a personal trainer?
Best exercise classes?
Reinhart's bagels > Can you over-develop the sponge?
History of Nintendo at the Medford Public Library April 19
Suggestions for "One Medford" website
One Medford website
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Rollingsto... No wait! It's Barbara Kerr!
Front License Plate Missing
Building Medford’s civic media audience culture — topics and groups overlap visuals are food for thought
Citywide Spring Cleanup, Apr 27
Mini recap: Medford School Committee, March 4, 2024
Next podcast we interview Barbara Kerr Director for the Medford Public Library
The Medford 1630 Podcast Press release
Podcast in the works
Free Curbside Composting Starting July 2024
Medford newsletter roundup
Auto moving “evening” tagged tasks to This Evening. Shortcut.
iCloud Feeds vs. third-party service?
Where to recycle or dispose of used/broken electronics?
What can I do to make my bagels more crispy on the outside? They are delicious but I think I may have done something wrong!
New climate change-focused book club at the Medford Public Library, first meeting Jan 10th! I'm psyched because I wanted to start something like this, and someone else already did it for me!