Breaking Free
Are you a fan of Arrival (2016) ?
For my sons 15th bday. It's not perfect but it's mine!
Flower and Garden Festival 🌸
I live with my husband.. he hates it🤣? My new sheets.. do yall agree?
First time at confession in over 10 years and the priest said he couldn’t absolve me.
Feedback please
Born disabled, legally bound to sin?
Is this too low now??
Hi everyone!
How many languages are you learning simultaneously?
Best Slow Songs to Learn the Language
Daughter says she is moving in with your boyfriend
Kitchen reno before and aftet
Need your advice
Fuck people who bring toddlers/babies onto flights
I got a new animal!
Chat, is this Allison (c12)?
IM CANADIAN - Am I going to get absolutely destroyed by peers for booking a trip
I am currently not worthy of being Catholic and feel like I never will
This is your reminder
Yorkies and eyesight in the later years.
Kourtney Kardashian and Kendra
kourtney via kendra wilkinson instagram