Please advise regarding TPM
New S25 or Refurbished S24 ultra? (Before trade in)
My Juniper Y is pulling 5G!
That was so close to being horrible...
Sentry Footage on Stock USB Drive Only Goes Back 23 Days?
Material Differences between Model 3 highland models LR RWD and LR AWD?
Lumon's security like...
Drummond’s Karma 😱🛗
Tesla's Avoided Emissions Are Up to 49% Overstated, A Study Claims
"I used to see Kier in her", now it's clear to me...
Cold Harbor was a failure
Maybe I'm just bad at reading faces, but I can't for the life of me see smug, triumph, or malice here.
Got the dual motor version yesterday, love the looks and love the quicksilver colour!
Any info on why curvature assist keeps jabbing the brakes? Not a curve, was going exactly the speed limit(copper nearby), nothing ahead in road or lane.
Google Pixel 10 GPU Partner - Imagination?
Why Cold Harbor Makes Perfect Sense
It’s Mark, not Gemma
Back to Pixel
It's nice seeing this guy hop back in. Brings a lot of new eyes to the game.
What comment from Logan’s kids triggered him the most?
Why it’s a perfect 10/10 ending:
What is the best TV show you’ve ever watched?
Rip bozo lmao
iMark's Perspective lol
Seeing him face down on the floor got me feeling like