my EDC as a laid off sheet metal apprentice (i usually have a backpack)
i haven’t seen my millis since november :(
does the titan pocket work with at&t ?
Thoughts on Alaska?
what is in your opinion the saddest song of all time?
heres mine :P
worm in my enclosure??????????
any tips on how to make the bucket head less visible?
first fursuit head wip!
is he dead? :(
super active millipede
opinions on my enclosure?
first enclosure setup!
new millipede parent
1 night 2 day backpacking trails near portland?
stick pile
how do i make sure my millipedes won’t get too cold?
new to raising beetles!
Just starting my collection. How am I doing?
My Criterion Collection
What was your first Pinegrove song? What got you hooked?
Other than hornet, quirrel, and zote, which character would you most like to play a spinoff as?
What’s something you would give up sex for?
What is your guys favourite area? personally mine is Greenpath
do you use any of the nail art attacks?