For people coming to my account for more mosaics:
What are Opeth's heaviest riffs?
Best *band* starting with letter T?
Humming in Dr. Seuss Is Dead
What is your elitist position you’re most conscious of and still do?
Opeth and Beatles similarities
15f ask me anything!
What is the best album starting with I?
Best *band* starting with letter N?
ZZ Top has won for Z! Thanks for playing
Velvet Underground has won for V! Now who is the greatest classic rock artist who start with W?
Your first Metal show?
Which metal album is this for you?
what do u use to remove hair... down there..??
y’know I’ll never get how his hair went from that to that..
I know this question has probably been asked millions of times but what got you into Metal?
When you realize you might have just thrown away your empire all just to own the libs.
Who is your favorite band and what's the first song you've ever heard by them?
What’s Gojira’s heaviest song?
Started listening to Acid Bath today
Which band was your gateway into metal?
What's your favorite album of 2024?
My crazy rankings.
Give me a genre that you can't believe people actually like