Is this written correctly?
Is this readable?
Meet Oreo, my Syrian hamster 🐹🐹🐹
How well do pink tattoos age?
What do people say after sex?
Mind pops, help!
is there a chance of my nipple piercings getting infected now?
Why do i feel the random urge to blurt out "IM ADDICTED TO DRUG"
Do I need to be worried? I'm pretty sure that it's an anal fissure or a hemorrhoid. Pooping burns and there was no blood in my poop. And my anus is a bit sore and it stings alot. What can I do? Is it concerning that there is that much blood?
my boyfriend is a Muslim and he says that he can't marry me because his mom will choose someone for him?
I'm in love with my muslim boyfriend but he can't marry me
My muslim boyfriend can't marry me and that breaks my heart
I've lost 25 kg so far and now I'm scared of gaining it back
what is this song about? what are the lyrics in english?
what is this song about? what are the lyrics in english? someone pls help me out thanks :)
is there something wrong with me?
can men have sex with women they're not attracted to?
I had sex for the first time yesterday, and I'm still bleeding?
18 f, about to lose my virginity and I'm so scared.
I've got a date, and I feel so insecure :(
how can I get my crush to like me back without getting bad karma or using black magic?
can I smoke al capone flames like cigarettes?
I bought some al capone flames?