Misophonia Researcher has a question
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How have other very severe individuals been transported to doctor's visits?
My partner can't get any sleep, I'm scared and don't know what to do anymore
Do they check ids at the gate if you are bringing in alcohol?
Attending with anxiety- doable?
Braid and glitter salon has anyone used it?
Restaurant hopping recs
Questioning doctors' advice on Ativan dose and frequency
Is arm numbness a symptom of ME/CFS?
Monday Miscellaneous Chit-Chat
How to pay cash for add-on’s instead of using my credits?
Those of you who work a 9-5, how do you train for a marathon?
Do you only get your reading material from BOTM?
How to come to terms with a disappointing first marathon?
Novels with grief as an important theme?
Do you all drink water while running?
I get most of my books from the library because I’m in uni, but I’m happy with my collection so far!
What are you reading?
I enjoy meditating. So, why do I so strongly resist doing it?
Just got my baby girl today. Say hello to Luna ❣️ Any tips for first time puppy/dog owners?
How do you deal with productivity slumps due to emotional volatility? (e.g. how do you not sweat the small stuff and emotionally detach from menial things)
What Movie is a perfect 10/10?
My dad died suddenly two days ago. I am 25.