Why do edible highs hit so much harder than vaping highs???
10:10 oil kicking my butt
Imma bout to get high for the very first time (kinda) and need activitys.
Drugs and iman
Decent value dry herb vape for under £100?
Decent value dry herb vapes for under £100?
Curaleaf Lav cake Micro seeds
MC and asthma?
How is curaleafs 10:10 oil?
Do I have to take my medication daily?
Not feeling hopefull
Medication + cannabis entitlement
is paranoia always psychosis?
What made you give up weed?
Had a bit too much I think
Reddit is now my favourite social media platform
Revoked Driving Licence
What should i do with all this Keif?
Cannabis and closeness to Allah
Don't bully me too hard, did I get bad weed?
Are dry herb vaporizers worth it?
What to expect from first CB1 appointment
Stressed I won't get accepted
How much should I pay for my weed?