What’s The Most Awkward Social Mistake You’ve Made?
How are people with social anxiety treated where you live?
First time in therapy. Therapist said “You have to think a lot of yourself to think everyone’s paying attention to you”
My first reality check as a former pro lifer.
Heads up: Misoprostol before an IUD insertion may not work for everyone
Conservatives don’t realize what a federal ban would mean
Something frustrating I keep seeing from pro-choice Trump supporters
It’s so infuriating to read such comments and replies. Why do these morons seem to think that the only way a woman can pregnant is by having sex with a random man?
How to respond to “your body my choice”?
Future Serial Killers
Chronic UTIs. Don’t know why and I’m sick of it
I lost my cool on a pro-lifer in a stream comparing abortion to slavery
You catch more flies with honey. ❤️
Nmom would leave the house untouched for months then tell us all we were horrible people who ruined her home
My experience so far 3 weeks in. Definitely helps with depression but having side effects…
DAE pull their Grey hairs out
What do you find disgusting even though everyone else thinks it's normal?
I just want an unbiased answer, i really can’t tell where i stand.
Tattoo artist made fun of my social anxiety
Dry eye disease SUCKS. My whole eye sockets ache.
Don't like the lobby settings? Create your own lobby! Don't harass the host
fuck TikTok.
what started as a joke but people take it way to seriously today?
let my brother play on my account while his phone was charging....got this when I went to get on just now. RIP
Just a reminder : abortion rights aren’t womens rights