Deathcore at Karaoke
Growing up with TSSF.
Misery Signals
Mike and Post Malone collab finally gonna happen it seems
Some photos I took of the bois in Dallas
My kit vs the guy sharing my practice space kit (I've got the small one). Who wins?
Let’s play a game: guess the hardcore band from emojis
As a songwriter I frequently steal from myself.
Anybody else’s camera roll look like this because they have thousands of riffs/ideas that they refuse to delete?
Season 3 Speculation / Predictions
‘The Night Agent’ Season 2 Soars to No. 1 on Netflix Top 10 with 13.9 Million Views!
The Night Agent Season 2-spoiler free discussion thread
Dying Wish - Tongues of Lead
Which album, known for its "bad" production, do you think is actually part of its charm?
Looking for a comedy series that makes me burst out laughing.
The magic combo
The Devil Wears Prada is one of the worst bands in metal at the moment
Fayence Dream - Faith's Mystery Ft. Hannes Grossmann & Christian Muenzner Playthrough (FFO: Necrophagist)
At what point do lyrics go from personal/deep to corny?
What do you think about this controversy? Anyone here been in a Ring of Saturn gig?
Anyone into this band Super American?
Lesser known bands in the vein of Have Heart and VERSE
The perils of explaining your art: a cautionary tale
WhiteChapel blew everyones mind.
My favorite panel