The reunions
Joey’s sister’s comments on reunion
4 Weeks PO-Walking?
Do I need to seek immediate medical attention or can I wait to contact my surgeon in the morning?
Award to the biggest Pick me in LIB history goes to..
I only voted for abortion ban. Please don’t take away my same sex marriage
How did the reunion not address the allegations against Alex or the weirdness of Dave’s sister?
Both said No because of values, but still wanted to pursue relationships with their exes after the show 🤔
Ben’s friends
Anyone else think it’s weird that Ben might have something kinda wrong with but Dave still got shit on the most at the reunion????
The receipts that weren’t receipts
Live reunion discussion thread
How to get my knee more flexible after ACL surgery
Second Opinion?
Lauren's other man posting on IG 🤣🤣
4 weeks post-op (swelling)
Day 2 post operation ACL and Meniscus repair
Why is the hamstring graft hated so much? I feel rehab is much easier and less chances of complications
Currently 6th day post OP i need advice
'Love Is Blind' Dave Bettenburg Reveals True Feelings After Messy Split
WIBTA if I told my kids about their father’s divorce and why?
When did you stop wearing the brace?
Dave & Lauren’s situation goes way deeper. (Long Post)
Sara's sister and gf are kind of unsupportive