Weirdoughs Pizza
My space is pretty cramped, but I spend most my time here.
Love my blue bathroom
i’m almost done but i need some advice
Tatiana Maslany would like to come back to being she-hulk
What job are you currently working that allows you to be yourself and you're happy at?
Americans, how do you feel about Trump JUST now signing an executive order claiming that only the President & Attorney General can speak for “what the law is.”??
A quarter of US shoppers have dumped favorite stores over political stances
RC on X
How did you (the individual artist) learn Houdini?
r/Burbank is holding auditions for new mods. Details on the casting inside.
Keep honking! Make our voices heard! Stop an unelected, untrustworthy oligarch from looting the country. We demand oversight and accountability!
Who is UPRISE again?
La Bamba! Burbank’s best latin american food spot / hidden gem!
I made the wrong decision
carvera air first test
Stringing even after drying filament
computer-1 magnetic cover mod. the case is aesthetic as all hell, but gets dusty fast and its like 10 screws to open it up and clean it everytime, so I designed a little mod.