Beginner Epic Fantasy Recs for Mid 30s, Female
Bug Megathread - March 13th - Update 1.2 - Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
[OC] GIVEAWAY! Enter for a chance to win the 8-BIT HERO DICE VAULT![MOD APPROVED]
Steam Sale - 1 Game ONLY
Books like elden Ring?
Another EA key giveaway
Early Access key giveaway
Giving away 5 early access keys
Hogwarts Legacy Steam Key Giveaway
[OC] GIVEAWAY! Enter for a chance to win the new GUNSLINGER DICE VAULT![MOD APPROVED]
Looking for specific male pov romance
So how are noobs treated in 2024?
I am John Gwynne, author of the Faithful and the Fallen, Of Blood and Bone and The Bloodsworn Saga. Ask Me Anything.
This game is amazing.
The Devils
Any books where the main character is your favorite character?
Should I buy Baldurs Gate 3 for the Xbox Series S?
Best romance options in an Xbox game?
Hiking/mountaineering horror
SIB Baldur's Gate 3
A book for my gamer husband
Why did we all stop reading???
Well done Arrowhead from mixed reviews to 70% positive now on steam, people are seeing it for the good game it is <3
The "extraction based gameplay loop" Hurts It For Me
so no reviews before launch?