Still feels the same to me
The whole light fanbase after getting their favorite thingy removed:
New dagger nerf goes crazy ngl
For all the dagger haters recently, here's a condensed down world tour showing every single fight. Here's how the dagger actually plays compared to the highlights that get posted here frequently. Sword at the end for defib spam counter.
Skill issue for real
Gave grapple a go
I’m just a chill guy
Dagger is truly peak
Light rework to make this sub happy
Sometimes I forget how large the maps are
I’ll just leave this here
Meat Grinder
fast duel w a skilled vader
That was a a close one
My opinion on lights as a light main
New player trying out The Finals
52 kills, new Personal Best in Bank It
Embark only care about the light class
Continuing being the bane of everyone’s existence in Bank It
Why would I ever pick 93R if I have these two?
Grapple never gets old
Was wondering why I was having so much fun during a play session when it finally hit me
Didn’t learn the first time I guess
Throwing Knives need a nerf
Light is the hardest class to Master and the hate is just crazy