I got triple carted by guardian rathalos
Reviews are not great, 35.99% ? What happened ?
9070xt/5070ti how easy can we get one?
Language options and haptic
1440p gaming pc - upgrading from 5600x/1070
5070 series pricing went live ≠ PH prices?
PC Players Recommendation: Keyboard or Controller
UPDATE : Should I buy Wilds if I'm bad at Monster Hunter ?
Planning to upgrade GPU for Monster Hunter Wilds lol.
300 hours in maps and I’ve never seen an audience.
Cataclysm build survivability
Which builds can do speed 100 pit?
Best build in s7?
Hex of Whispers is currently removed from the game but still purchasable
Dropped my first multidivine quarterstaff :0
(POE 2) Need Help on getting Ritual Precursor Tablets to Drop
SSF is not fun in PoE2. Anyone feel the same?
PSA clear a good radius around your Rituals before checking their loot
If I insert crit dmg rune. Will it increase my character crit dmg?
I need a bit of help with chosing my next gear upgrade. [Ice Strike Invoker]
Grabbed a cute looking blue item out of gwennen and "crafted" this monster (softcore)
PSA - Double check your atlas for citadels, they're not always obvious.
POE2 SSF Need Deadeye Build Recommendations for this Bow
Stay Witchhunter or reroll Deadeye?
Big bang finisher. Does it have a place. ? Hammer