Delay pedals: Are dotted 8th note delays commonly used in Shoegaze? Or are quarter notes more common?
Question about delay subdivision on Boss DD8…
Just bought my first Amp! A Vox AC15. What should be my first fuzz pedal?
Just got my first Amp! A Vox AC15. What should my first fuzz pedal be to start shoegazing?
What’s the deal with Vox AC15’s and Roland JC-40’s??
Just found out I have a biscuspid aortic valve with “moderate to severe” leakage. Anyone have experience with this?
Looking to upgrade after 14 years, but don't know much about other guitars. Help!
Took my guitar to a luthier/tech to get setup and it came back with this
How to slow down the BPM for a song that has acoustic guitar, without it sounding weird?
Could someone ELI5 compression for me?
Just finished my diy build baritone Jag (Mkgee style)
How high do you want to set AOM bridge on Jmascis Jazzmaster?
why is music a chore??
For Ableton Live 12 and plugins, how much storage space should I have for my system drive?
If you bought a Jmascis Jazzmaster and took it to a luthier, what would you ask him to do?
2cb+DMT+Porn = Holy Mother of God
Any of y’all play acoustic guitar with a loop pedal?
Any of y’all play acoustic with a loop pedal?
Just Finished Reading All of Dostoevsky’s Books & Short Stories This Year
Which translation of The Idiot by Dostoevsky should I read?
The idiot - penguin classics or Richard Peaver?
Finally finished everything by Dostoyevsky and I wanted to give my personal ranking based on how much I enjoyed them
What “classic” should I choose for a small book club.