Who would u steal?
I don't give a fuck
Naming after a “Ph-“ name ideas?
First attempt at any sort of limited marker coloring!
Where are the ones who have Humbug as their favourite too ??
ex christian- i am absolutely terrified of death
This one took a while but I'm really proud of it
I swear to god i live in a Truman show type situation
What comes to mind when you think of Arctic monkeys?
I love their lamp so much. Has anyone ever found/purchased it?
Why do I want to revisit my past out of nowhere
I am just so in love and I need to get it off my chest when it feels overwhelming bc I cannot talk to anyone
My gf tried to kill herself
When you hear the word “Degrassi” what’s the one image that comes to mind?
What pokemon means the most to you?
i’m sick of not having a job
Part 5: Why I Was Silenced & Why I’m Speaking Out
If the Degrassi kids ended up in a Yellowjackets situation.
Can someone tell me if I’m being disloyal
Dont know what to say to my parents ..
Can’t tell if I like it or hate it…
I hate my teenage years right now
Feel like I'm missing out on teenaged love and it is devastating
I misjudge about my bladder capacity and now I feel humuliated