glad to see pop is doing well during his rehab process
Solo Disney Trip (September)
You will not get this minute back.
Got vocals or nah? (Volume up)
Not metal, not country, not good.
“Lord forgive me for I have rice’d”
Crackhead of a dog
What breed is my dog?
I can't stop knitting dogs, here's my new one
Watched the Trans Siberian Orchestra tonight! Pretty cool
New look
I love my grandparents' dog
Loved it 😍
James Talarico could be and should be future of the Democratic Party.
Y’all see this one making the rounds? Heh heh
Texans, how would you describe this guy?
2 sims all of the sudden
Worst smoker ever
This episode was genuinely peak
P. Dilddy
(spoiler) Someone probably said it first, but I'm going to say it again myself - BEST GANG EVER!!!
San Antonio drivers attempting to "merge"
To get inside cable car
Starting with a Transalp.
What’s your favorite buffet in town