Just got done at the gym. Have a great Sunday Y'all. Be nice to one another
Gym time
Gym Selfie
Beach time
On the way to work this morning. Coffee, sunshine, and quick walk on beach. Hope everyone else has a good Wednesday.
Go Bruins!!!!! Selfie Sunday
Monday Motivation
I shaved my facial hair. It’s weird, but the gray is gone 😆
Happy St. Paddy’s Day
56 Gkids are such a blessing!
53/ Georgia gal selfie Sunday ( enjoying my new car I picked up Friday )
Squirrel Thigh Thursday
Happy Sunday 53.8
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Little 10 hr ride yesterday to Sassafras Mtn....who rides and what? Bmw gtl k1600
54 ohio
Just hanging out
55 no excuses
Happy Selfie/Self Care Sunday!!
Week 3 of my journey. Happy Sunday Y'all. Be nice to one another!!!!
Selfie Sunday is out for a drive to grab some milk. Nothing too fun going on here. Happy St Patricks day for tomorrow everyone!
My Saturday night date night outfit
Mystery Blood
The moon from the other day.
He’s got a great nose. He smells good days ahead. Happy Sunday! 54F