Shoulder Dystocia Medical Inaccuracies
DNR for location vs risking SOAP
But really. When do we revolt.
American Murder: Gabby Petito - Netflix Documentary General Discussion
Going into match undecided
Rank list dilemma
Send in your LOI
Feeling dumb
Why do some people suffer with SAD while others don’t?
Percentage of available positions filled, by specialty, in 2024 fellowship match
Time Change Frustrations
Post interview thoughts
Does anyone actually "Enjoy" their interviews or feel good after them??
At the end of M4, I've finally figured out exactly what makes med school so atrocious for our mental health
MS-4's, did you find your shelf grades matched your step 2 results decently?
Didn’t get interview from my dream program
OBGYN Applicants: How did we do today?
I should’ve been a TV EMT
Interview season and my phq9 is skyrocketing
what a sorry bunch of fucks
Are you thanking programs for the invites or just scheduling for now?
Does SAD start around August / September for anyone else?
Obgyn residency app when marked complete ?
Certified ERAS and immediately found a typo
My top reasons why third and fourth year absolutely suck