Believe in Something
udub or UCSB for pre-med?
I need help on how to improve my app (9th)
La Archive is shit
fafsa question bout crypto
FAFSA question
Accidentally reported dual enrollment in HS instead of solely in college for UC application
uc application mitsake
UC APP Mistake
UC APP Mistake Question
cal state apply mistake
got 5s this year!
Does the SAT Question Bank have overlap with Practice Test 5 and 6?
Bro what???
Stuck on creating token account
sat is the matrix
Why Cant CB just tell us which questions I was wrong/missed
$150>$9k in 3 weeks
I spent 8 hours defending yeat on 4chan
Official December 2nd US (Paper) SAT Discussion Thread
Math problem .002(x-21)^2+2.58=P or smthn about gas
The volume question was weird. Am I the only one